maandag 29 november 2010

[J549.Ebook] Download Ebook Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung

Download Ebook Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung

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Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung

Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung

Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung

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Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung

Isn’t it time to stop asking, “What would Jesus do?” and start asking, “What is Jesus doing now?”

Follow is a real-life guide to discipleship the Jesus way. Here Floyd McClung tells how he traded a life of religion for a life of relationship with Jesus—a relationship that led him to form communities of Christian disciples around the world.

Taking the Gospels at face value leads Floyd to define a radical strategy for discipling new believers while strengthening our own devotional lives. He details practical ideas for forming discipleship groups that reflect Jesus’s principles of accountability, transparency, humility, and outreach. Through it all, Floyd emphasizes the importance of following Jesus personally rather than adhering to ineffective rules or traditions.

With stories and scriptural principles, Floyd McClung leads us through the liberating process of changing the focus of our lives from ourselves to Jesus so we can do life the way Jesus did—and experience a richer spiritual life than we’ve ever known.

  • Sales Rank: #752160 in Books
  • Brand: McClung, Floyd
  • Published on: 2010-09-01
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x 5.50" w x .75" l, .53 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 256 pages

About the Author

Floyd McClung has been a missional leader and church planter in Afghanistan and Amsterdam, America and Africa. He is the author of numerous books, including The Father Heart of God. His books—which have sold over one million copies and been translated into over thirty languages—have inspired generations around the world. McClung and his wife Sally live in Cape Town, South Africa.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Great for training and discipleship
By James R. Miller
I highly recommend this book. Floyd McClung is in a unique place to speak about healthy discipleship (after his key leadership role with YWAM and years of missionary experience and church planting work). Although the book is just being released in the U.S., we were able to get a copies of the South African version at the beginning of the year and we started using the book with our Discipleship Training School at the church here in Fort Worth. The book is built around following Jesus and living life by three great loves (core values)... Loving Jesus, Loving Each Other, and Loving Those Who Don't Know Christ. Based on the way the book was received in the Spring semester, we are using it again (the U.S. version this time) and it is already proving to be a great help in getting to the key issues of practical discipleship.

"Follow" will be a great resource for personal discipleship and growth, for helping someone else or a few others in a small group focused on discipleship, or even in a larger class or training environment (like we're doing). Highly recommended. : )

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Full of Solid Biblical Truths that when Live Out will Change the World
By Noah Hutchison
McClung structures his book around three basic characteristics: Loving God, Loving Others, and Loving those who don't know Jesus. All truths he presents flow from these three basic ideas. He focuses first on how we as believers can align our lives with the person of Jesus, allowing our lives to be shaped in different areas such as humility, obedience, and prayer. I personally enjoyed his chapter on prayer where he includes several different practical strategies of prayer that he has learned from his years of ministry.

The middle section of Follow focuses on loving those who don't know Jesus. In this section, McClung tells of how we can practically live like Jesus - to not ask the question, "What would Jesus do" but instead to ask the question, "What is Jesus doing" and how can I be a part today. Also, he goes into detail about how evangelism can and is to look in our modern day society and around the world including practical tips to overcome fear and other hindrances that we as believers often face.

If you love Jesus and have any passion to see the nations reached, as you should, then the final section will make you want to throw the book on the floor, and run out your front door to tell the world about Jesus. Seriously, I could not go to bed last night when I finished the book. I reiterated to my wife again how Jesus is going to change the world, and how God created our family to be a part of it today. We both got excited.

Ultimately, McClung's new book Follow has the potential to challenge every believer to deeper levels in Christ and to stir up a passion to see God's kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. From his admonitions in the final chapters about how God created us to live in a committed community, to finding people of peace, and ultimately seeing a church-planting movement that radically transforms society and touches the four corners of the earth, this book touches it all.

Want to create world-changers in people? Get the values in this book ingrained in the lives of those around you - they are straight from the Word. If I had one negative thing to say about the book it is that Floyd McClung does not come with it so that I can thank him for articulating these timeless values of scripture into a book where we can all find gain.

Have fun reading it and be blessed!

Also, see the Follow promotional video Floyd McClung created describing his purpose for writing this book on YouTube.

Check out other reviews of mine at [...]

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Follow Jesus, not Religion
By Laura Davis
As a book reviewer I tend to see a trend with books that come across my desk. Lately, a lot of the books I've been reading have to do with practical ways on how to follow Jesus, or how to be a disciple of Christ. Follow, by author Floyd McClung is one of those books, but his words and his methods penetrated deep into my soul and gave me hope.

As the back cover states, "Follow is a real-life, right-now guide to living life the Jesus way - a challenge to get out of the boat of dull religion and find the kind of adventure that happens to ordinary people when the dare to walk on water." The author admits that he wrote the book with the "underlying belief that any hierarchy and all institutionalization of the church, lead us directly away from Jesus Himself." Wow! Strong words, but he makes a convincing argument. How many times have you heard someone say they can't stand church or don't go to church? And when you ask them why, what do they usually say? Too many rules, too self-righteous, too boring! I've heard many more and I know you have too. The point, says the author, is that we need to return to Jesus as our source and our example on how to live life and "do church" together. We must study His life, spend time in His presence, be filled with His spirit, and fulfill his mission with others in the community.

In other words, Follow is about being a devoted disciple of Christ and not a pretender or "unthinking captive" to cultural Christianity. We need to get rid of doctrine and get back to Jesus. Follow shows you how to do that with insightful writing and questions that will make you pause and examine yourself at the end of each chapter. Plus, it also includes a bible study for your cell-group.

The first chapter is repenting of religion and sets the theme for the book. The author continues on with how we should love Jesus. Dealing with topics such as obedience, repentance, Lordship, pride and prayer to name a few. If you are seeking a closer walk with the Lord that hearkens back to the kind of discipleship He intended, you would do well to pick up this book.

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[J549.Ebook] Download Ebook Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung Doc
[J549.Ebook] Download Ebook Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, by Floyd McClung Doc

maandag 22 november 2010

[B120.Ebook] PDF Download Modified MasteringPhysics with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Essential University Physics (3rd Edition), by Richard Wolfs

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Modified MasteringPhysics with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Essential University Physics (3rd Edition), by Richard Wolfs

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Modified MasteringPhysics with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Essential University Physics (3rd Edition), by Richard Wolfs

  • Published on: 2015-03-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .2" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Printed Access Code
  • 840 pages

About the Author
Richard Wolfson is Professor of Physics at Middlebury College.

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vrijdag 12 november 2010

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Foundations of Financial Risk: An Overview of Financial Risk and Risk-based Financial Regulation (Wiley Finance), by GARP (Global Associat

Foundations of Financial Risk: An Overview of Financial Risk and Risk-based Financial Regulation (Wiley Finance), by GARP (Global Associat

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Foundations of Financial Risk: An Overview of Financial Risk and Risk-based Financial Regulation (Wiley Finance), by GARP (Global Associat

Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation

Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institutions face in today's economic and regulatory environment. Written by the experts at the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), this book represents an update to GARP's original publication, Foundations of Banking Risk. You'll learn the terminology and basic concepts surrounding global financial risk and regulation, and develop an understanding of the methods used to measure and manage market, credit, and operational risk. Coverage includes traded market risk and regulation, treasury risk and regulation, and much more, including brand new coverage of risk management for insurance companies. Clear explanations, focused discussion, and comprehensive relevancy make this book an ideal resource for an introduction to risk management.

The textbook provides an understanding of risk management methodologies, governance structures for risk management in financial institutions and the regulatory requirements dictated by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. It provides thorough coverage of the issues surrounding financial risk, giving you a solid knowledgebase and a practical, applicable understanding.

  • Understand risk measurement and management
  • Learn how minimum capital requirements are regulated
  • Explore all aspects of financial institution regulation and disclosure
  • Master the terminology of global risk and regulation

Financial institutions and supervisors around the world are increasingly recognizing how vital sound risk management practices are to both individual firms and the capital markets system as a whole. Savvy professionals recognize the need for authoritative and comprehensive training, and Foundations of Financial Risk delivers with expert-led education for those new to risk management.

  • Sales Rank: #225912 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.10" h x 1.00" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 368 pages

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maandag 8 november 2010

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Terrorists, Victims and Society: Psychological Perspectives on Terrorism and its ConsequencesFrom Wiley

In today's climate, these is a powerful need for a balanced, expert and accessible account of the psychology of terrorists and terrorism.

Written by an expert team of psychologists and psychiatrists, these contributors have direct experience of working with terrorists, victims and those tasked with the enormous responsibility of attempting to combat terrorism.

The first section focuses on terrorists as individuals and as groups and provides a balanced and objective insight into the psychology of terrorists; what their motivations are and what keeps them involved in terrorist groups. The second section explores the huge question of the impact of terrorism; the direct and indirect affect on victims; how societies respond and how political leaders handle the threat and consequences of terrorism. The final section focuses on the question of how to respond to terrorist threat.

  • The most up-to-date account of our understanding of terrorists, their psychology and the impact they have on the world around them
  • Written by leading world experts on terrorist psychology
  • A complete view of terrorism - looks at the terrorists themselves, their victims and society as a whole

  • Sales Rank: #846221 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-05-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.11" h x .73" w x 6.24" l, 1.09 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 300 pages

“…highly recommended for its thoughtfulness and depth of scholarship…” (Australian and NZ Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 37, No 6)

“…all the contributions are perceptive…would appeal to anyone interested in the processes underlying terrorism…” (Forensic Update, Jan 2004)

From the Back Cover
Often disturbing, sometimes surprising and frequently disheartening, TERRORISTS, VICTIMS AND SOCIETY presents a clear and succinct view of what psychological research has revealed about terrorists and terrorism.

Andrew Silke has gathered together contributions from psychologists and psychiatrists who have direct experience of researching terrorism, have met with terrorists and victims of terrorist violence, and with those responsible for combating and responding to terrorism. The result is a volume that provides a clear, intelligent and well-informed account of what psychology has learned in the past thirty years about issues relating to terrorism. It also demonstrates how one branch of social science can provide a powerful tool for insight and guidance on one of the most challenging problems facing the modern world.

Essential reading for professionals in policing, security, government security agencies, forensic and legal psychology, prison and probation service and the military. It will also be important to all who are tasked with preparing for potential terrorist incidents, for example in mental health services, and a useful resource for students in psychology, criminology, politics and international relations.

About the Author
Andrew Silke is a lecturer in Forensic Pschology based at the Centre for Applied Psychology at the University of Leichester. He has been actively researching political violence in Northen Ireland and primarily in Belfast since 1993. He has published a number of articles in academic journals on a wide range of issuse relating to terrorism and political violence. He has presented a large number of papers at national and international conferences.

Ariel Merari is Professor of Psychology at Tel Aviv University and is one of Israel's leading academic experts in the field of terrorism studies. Prof. Merari is the author of Shi-ite Terrorism and is the editor of On Terrorism and Combating Terrorism. He serves as a consultant to the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel and has also held positions at the University of California at Berkeley and at Stanford. He is currently a research fellow at Havard University.

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Good science about a hard topic
By Elly Richards
Review of Terrorists, Victims and Society: Psychological Perspectives on Terrorism and its Consequences (Wiley Series in the Psychology of Crime, Policing and the Law) (2003). Andrew Silke, Editor. John Wiley & Sons: West Sussex, England, by Susan E. Brandon, Program Officer, National Institutes of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD
Among the plethora of materials published since 9/11, many of which are individual commentaries or personal reactions to the attacks on the U.S. that occurred that day, Andrew Silke's edited book, "Terrorists, Victims and Society: Psychological Perspectives on Terrorism and its Consequences" (Wiley Series in the Psychology of Crime, Policing and the Law), stands out as exemplary for its science-based inquiry into terrorists, victims of terrorists, and worldwide and historical responses to terrorism.
As pointed out by the editor, Andrew Silke - whose expertise reflects both his background as a forensic psychologist and law enforcement experience with terrorism in Northern Ireland, the Middle East and Latin America - terrorism as a strategy, and terrorists and individuals and networks of individuals, have been part of our world for decades (some would say, centuries). However, terrorism and terrorists are remarkably difficult to study from a psychological point of view: terrorism is a political strategy that requires political (and economic, historical and geographical) analyses. Despite this, it remains common for many people - most of whom have never been a direct victim of a terrorist attack - to look to psychologists for helping in understanding "why someone becomes a terrorist." We want to know about the forces that shape an individual life towards a lifestyle that appears so foreign to most of us.
"Terrorists, Victims and Society" explains that to know why an individual adopts a terrorist strategy and/or joins a terrorist group we must ask the same questions that we might ask if we want to know why an individual decides to be a farmer or studies to be a librarian: we must know the geographical, political, economic and cultural forces that shape an individual life. The authors explain that we must seek to understand how disruptions in a life might provide someone with too few options to effect change or fail to find a legitimate voice in a legitimate political process. And, because most people are not terrorists, we should ask what special and unique forces acted on a particular person - in the same way that we should ask what was special about the family and background of Mother Teresa that made her act so selflessly. As both Silke and contributing author John Horgan point out in Part 1 ("The Terrorists"), there is no psychology of the terrorist; there is the psychology of the human that plays out in a multitude of ways.
For some aspects of terrorism, especially those related to responses of children and other target groups, social science has good data to offer: the authors in Part II ("Victims of Terrorism"), Ginny Sprang, Orla Muldoon, and Betty Pfefferbaum show how the impact of terrorist incidents on its victims - including the young and elderly - depend in large part on how the world around them (siblings, parents, school, television) interprets the events for them; how the impact of terrorist incidents are enhanced (and perhaps, dependent on) coverage of the attack by the media; how some groups tolerate continued exposure to terrorist attacks or threats by becoming desensitized and by creating a political/cultural ideology or story that helps them make sense of their world. These authors suggest that we can look to the hardships and lessons learned in communities in the United Kingdom and in Israel and Palestine for how to cope with terrorist attacks and for what kinds of population changes are likely to result.
The authors provide insights into questions too rarely asked: John Horgan ("Leaving Terrorism Behind: An Individual Perspective") offers insight into what makes a terrorist quit. Margaret Wilson ("The Psychology of Hostage-Taking") asks whether there are positive outcomes of being a victim of terrorism - and if so, what are they? Silke asks ("Retaliating Against Terrorism") considers the supporting role the targeted state plays, simply by the nature of its reaction to the attack. He then ponders the best long-term, as opposed to short-term, military and political responses to a terrorist attack, and claims that to begin to address this, we must ask when the "current cycle" of terrorism involving the Islamic and Western worlds began.
We in the west, perhaps most especially we Americans, have a short memory and a short attention span: Americans think that since "nothing has happened" for two years, that the world is getting safer. But much has happened since 9/11, although not on American domestic soil. Much is likely to happen for many years, because the conflicts generating the terrorist threats that the western world faces are continuing and show no abatement. What can an individual do? We might arm ourselves with knowledge and understanding; I recommend this book be purchased [along with the bottled water we buy for the event of an attack]. The decisions we make in our own political world will help to shape the threats that we face, and those decisions will be wiser for the information offered in "Terrorists, Victims and Society."

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Very good reading and easy to understand.
By Danny L. Thoms Jr.
Silke, introduced another perspective into the making and understanding of terrorists and to some degree their motivations. I say with some degree, because the contents of the book cover a lot what-if's on personality traits. Similar to criminology, the studies are done on the ones who failed, and were caught. Others are by word of mouth, with no real background other than attempting to get their name out in the public.
The author did introduce some very big names to compare with other lone/small cell groups. The first part of the book is the introduction and attempts to understand the mindsets of terrorists. The following section is the reaction from the civilians and other governments as they attempt to stop or persuade their attacks. The last section, which is not discussed enough presently, is the reaction effort to terrorists. Ideological methods inquire the terrorists to take arms and in some sectarian attempts make martyrs as an ending product. Examples are drawn from past attempts of limiting the destructive force and other issues that regard the breeding of hate, within those communities.
The book is easy to read and current on most examples, depending on the level of exposure you may have with this subject matter. It is insightful and very interesting, a few methods will keep showing up throughout the book as stated in the first paragraph, some of the theories are just that, theories because not even the scientific community understands the person in some examples as they attempt to place a tag on them.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good reference book
By Dorothy Simnett
Got this one for school, very useful information regarding PTSD, great for mental health professionals. I would highly recommend the book to anyone studying emergency management.

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zaterdag 6 november 2010

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How I Grew, by Mary McCarthy

How I Grew, by Mary McCarthy

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How I Grew, by Mary McCarthy

The author of The Group, the groundbreaking bestseller and 1964 National Book Award finalist that shaped a generation of women, brings reminiscences of her girlhood to this intimate and illuminating memoir
How I Grew is Mary McCarthy’s intensely personal autobiography of her life from age thirteen to twenty-one.
Orphaned at six, McCarthy was raised by her maternal grandparents in Seattle, Washington. Although her official birthdate is in 1912, it wasn’t until she turned thirteen that, in McCarthy’s own words, she was “born as a mind.” With detail driven by an almost astonishing memory recall, McCarthy gives us a masterful account of these formative years. From her wild adolescence—including losing her virginity at fourteen—through her eventual escape to Vassar, the bestselling novelist, essayist, and critic chronicles her relationships with family, friends, lovers, and the teachers who would influence her writing career.
Filled with McCarthy’s penetrating insights and trenchant wit, this is an unblinkingly honest and fearless self-portrait of a young woman coming of age—and the perfect companion to McCarthy’s Memories of a Catholic Girlhood.

  • Sales Rank: #3667194 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-10-15
  • Released on: 2013-10-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .67" w x 5.51" l, .84 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 302 pages

“This reminiscence will appeal to admirers of [McCarthy’s] Memories of a Catholic Girlhood. Such universal experiences as an adolescent girl’s painful awakening to sex, her first love affair, her discovery of books and ideas involve the reader because of the author’s . . . relentless candor and graceful style.” —Publishers Weekly
“A fascinating account.” —Library Journal
“A cause for celebration—the first installment of McCarthy’s autobiography, as candid and iconoclastic as you would expect. . . . Not only a refreshingly un-retouched self-portrait but an unromanticized depiction of a society experimenting with a whole new set of familial, religious and sexual values . . . depicted with McCarthy’s unerring eye for the telling detail, without false modesty or mitigating excuses. . . . Readers will be grateful for—and dazzled by—her frankness. A compelling reminiscence by one of America’s major talents.” —Kirkus Reviews

About the Author
Mary McCarthy (1912-1989) was an American literary critic and author of more than two dozen books including the 1963 New York Times bestseller The Group. Born in Seattle, McCarthy studied at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, and graduated in 1933. After moving to New York City, McCarthy became known for her incisive writing as a contributor to publications such as the Nation, the New Republic, and the New York Review of Books. Her debut novel, The Company She Keeps (1942), initiated her ascent to become one of the most celebrated writers of her generation, a reputation bolstered by the publication of her autobiographyMemories of a Catholic Girlhood in 1957, as well as that of her now-classic novel The Group. 

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
How I Grew
By Zachary W. Schulz
Mary McCarthy’s autobiography consists of a narrative based on her intellectual development occurring between her thirteenth and twenty-first year. Her identity formation as an intellectual and autonomous being informs readers of prevailing social attitudes during the early twentieth century. Seemingly, the autobiography exists to proclaim McCarthy as a successful member of the intellectual class and an independent self since her earliest years.

This autobiography is loosely structured in the form of confessional model consisting of McCarthy’s emphasis of identity in the intellectual class. Within, McCarthy divulges personal secrets and her formed social opinions of those around her. Further, the autobiographical form consists of a flowing dialogue between herself and the reader, with frequent instances of breaking the fourth wall and directly addressing the reader. Other breaks in narrative continuity include discourses where she either questions her memory of events or leads to a new memory of events that contradicts previous statements. One such example she wrote, “Hold on! All the time I have been writing this, a memory has been coming back to haunt me!” (p. 75) Summarily, the narrative consists of an unfolding discourse, similar to a monologue or flow-of-conscious writing. Development is evident, as McCarthy illustrated a growing educational and intellectual identity as time progressed.

Focusing on McCarthy herself, she is presented as a completely autonomous self with clear agency. For example, despite being raised in a Catholic household, she claimed to have ascribed to atheistic principles quite early in life and contrary to familial beliefs. Additionally, her covert sexual liaisons speak of an independence that illustrate she rebelled against her family’s control of her personal life by sexually acting out. However, her repeated assertions of belonging to the intellectual class allude to a semi-relational self. Indeed, the comparisons between who was and who was not an intellectual highlight an anxiety held throughout the narrative. Her continual avowal of belonging to an intellectual class exhibits an essentialist element, discounting those around her who are not as well read or fluent in other languages. Though she wrote, “it is a mistake to think that an intellectual is required to be intelligent; there are occasions when the terms seem to be almost antonyms,” she fails to present any other framework for intellectualism than her own course of arrival. (p. 39) Further, McCarthy’s racial identity informs another self she had difficulty defining. Specifically, McCarthy disavowed being Jewish despite the lineage passing maternally and admitting her own maternal grandmother was Jewish. She is continually drawn to analyzing her compatriots’ racial background while attempting to hide her own. Though never drawing conclusions from this focus on Semitism, McCarthy nonetheless has decided to include this discussion in her book for reasons undeclared. Thus, it is apparent that McCarthy’s identity declarations are often formed in an anxious environment, where she continually sought to cast herself as a successful, autonomous being.

Fortunately, McCarthy’s autobiography can illuminate for historians two social constructions of the early 20th century. First, the autobiography provides a working definition of an early 20th century intellectual as it was defined in an upper middle class society. Her descriptions of modern intellectualism and her own placement in that identity provide the greatest insights due to the manner in which she defined herself a member of the group. Second, McCarthy’s frequent notices of Semitic identity and heritage among her friends and herself can provide contextualization for early 20th century anti-Semitism. Her own racial identity, which she sought to deny, illustrates unease in those who wished to succeed in society but were Jewish. Specifically, her own criticisms of herself and her friend’s ‘Jewishness’ provide an understanding of how anti-Semitism was embedded throughout society and served as a valid social critique.

Unfortunately, much of the text’s value to historians is undermined by the presentistic judgments of McCarthy herself. Frequently she interrupts her narration to introduce her own opinions that cast doubt on the truth of her memories. For example, “In other words, the feelings I remember, of rapturous discovery that was like rediscovery, are almost the opposite of what I wrote down.” (p. 199) However, while her narrative may be factually inaccurate at times, her attitudes toward racial, sexual, and intellectual identity are not tainted by these failings. Despite these shortcomings, her identity formations and social critiques provide a springboard for social and cultural historical research in the early twentieth century.

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