maandag 30 september 2013

[I766.Ebook] Ebook Download Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings

Ebook Download Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings

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Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings

Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings

Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings

Ebook Download Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings

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Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings

Audio and video systems of all shapes and sizes are fraught with less than optimum performance. Audible hum and RFI (radio frequency interference), poor reliability, unsafe operation, overheating, and damage during touring are only a few of these problems. Those engineers and technicians that ¦can make things right are a prized commodity. Audio Systems Design and Installation is a book which reveals the trade secrets of optimized performance of audio (and video) systems. It contains a wealth of ideas and data which are invaluable to anyone working in the industry.

Ted Uzzle, editor of Sound and Video Contractor, states that Audio Systems Design and Installation is an "Instant classic", a "must have", and "perennial". For the designer and engineer, it is a comprehensive source of reference data on components and techniques used to assemble systems, for example: transformers, active inputs and outputs; pad, filters; grounding and grounding conductors, power conditioning; common mode chokes, ferrite beads; and many, many more items. Detailed illustrations and photos uncover many systems issues critical to optimum performance. For the technician and installer, it contains detailed drawings about:
* optimized signal interconnection schemes
* shielded grounding schemes
* jackfield wiring methods
* rack systems
* rack and equipment grounding
The ins-and-outs of wiring technique and hardware types are thoroughly explained. The bottom line is that use of the information contained in Audio Systems Design and Installation will result in better systems that are more reliable-saving you time and money. Read the book and become a bigger asset to your organization.
Philip Giddings has published in a variety of magazines as well as the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. He is a regular lecturer to local chapters of the AES and SMPTE, as well as at NSCA and Syn Aud Con. He is a graduate of McGill University's Electrical Engineering program and a registered Professional Engineer.

  • Sales Rank: #1878468 in Books
  • Published on: 1997-06-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.18" h x 7.00" w x 9.18" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 574 pages

"Another fine book is Phil Giddings' Audio System Design and Installaion. This book includes 574 pages of practical, hands-on information and has become a standard reference in the industry." - Sound & Video Contractor, April 2000

From the Publisher
Ted Uzzle, editor of Sound and Video Contractor, states that Audio Systems Design and Installation is an "Instant classic", a "must have", and "perennial". For the designer and engineer, it is a comprehensive source of reference data on components and techniques used to assemble systems, for example: transformers, active inputs and outputs; pad, filters; grounding and grounding conductors, power conditioning; common mode chokes, ferrite beads; and many, many more items. Detailed illustrations and photos uncover many systems issues critical to optimum performance. For the technician and installer, it contains detailed drawings about: * optimized signal interconnection schemes * shielded grounding schemes * jackfield wiring methods * rack systems * rack and equipment grounding The ins-and-outs of wiring technique and hardware types are thoroughly explained. The bottom line is that use of the information contained in Audio Systems Design and Installation will result in better systems that are more reliable-saving you time and money. Read the book and become a bigger asset to your organization.

About the Author
Philip Giddings is the principal of Engineering Harmonics of Toronto, an international consulting company dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the design and implementation of audio, video, and control systems and facilities. Since 1979, Giddings has been providing independent engineering services on a variety of projects including broadcast and recording studios, concert halls and theatres, sports facilities, and AV presentation environments. He also consults on the design of technical power and ground systems for large facilities. Auralization and dual channel FFT testing are also provided. Philip has published in a variety of magazines as well as the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. He is a regular lecturer to local chapters of the AES and SMPTE, as well as at NSCA and Syn Aud Con. He is a graduate of McGill University's Electrical Engineering program and a registered Professional Engineer.

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Landmark Book, a Must-Read for EVERY Audio Engineer!
By L'alchemiste206
Please disregard the review by Webmaster, because EVERY statement made in that review is inaccurate. Philip Giddings' Audio Systems Design and Installation is a landmark book that sets the standard by which all other such books should be judged. It is a thorough and complete bible on the subject. That it is currently out-of-print and without a publisher is a great shame. It deserves much better. Every Audio Engineer, Sound System Designer, Installer, and Technician should read and understand the contents of this book. The author brings a wealth of experience, technical expertise, and common sense to the subject while at the same time imparting precious wisdom one can use every day. The insight expressed that not every solution will work in every situation enables the reader to understand that the process of installation is a dynamic and ever-changing one. A professional installer never stops learning or exploring new solutions. He or she never loses sight of the ultimate goal of having clean-sounding, safe, and practical sound systems that serve the purposes for which they were designed.

I recommend reading this book from cover to cover and taking careful notes of the contents and specific information pertinent to one's work. Since the coverage of the book is vast, any given reader may not use all the information. But it is good at least to be exposed to it once. One never knows when one will need it.

Note to Amazon: Please consider acquiring the rights to this book and publishing it in electronic form. Many of us in the professional audio world would be grateful!

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
The ONLY reference for audio interfacing
By Michael W. Hulbert
This book is still the only place I have found guidelines for interfacing every conceivable combination of audio gear. Also, its information on patchbays is a comprehensive guide on setting them up. If you are designing a studio, sound system, or other multimedia equipment, you need to read most of this book before you pickup your soldering iron.
Now we just need them to reprint it, I would buy 2 right now at the original price.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
This book is exactly what is described in the title ...
By Sounds OK to Me
This book is exactly what is described in the title. It's a thorough and well written guideline for sound system design and installation. It's not for backyard DJs or novices. But it is clearly written and exceedingly informative.

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[I766.Ebook] Ebook Download Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings Doc

[I766.Ebook] Ebook Download Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings Doc
[I766.Ebook] Ebook Download Audio Systems Design and Installation, by Philip Giddings Doc

zaterdag 21 september 2013

[A943.Ebook] Ebook Introduction to Modern Climate Change, by Andrew Dessler

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Introduction to Modern Climate Change, by Andrew Dessler

Introduction to Modern Climate Change, by Andrew Dessler

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Introduction to Modern Climate Change, by Andrew Dessler

This textbook is tightly focused on the problem of anthropogenic climate change. It is unique among textbooks on climate change in that it combines an introduction of the science with an introduction to the non-science issues such as the economic and policy options. Unlike more purely descriptive textbooks, it contains the quantitative depth that is necessary for an adequate understanding of the science of climate change. The goal of the book is for a student to leave the class ready to engage in the public policy debate on this issue. This is an invaluable textbook for any introductory survey course on the science and policy of climate change, for both non-science majors and introductory science students.

  • Sales Rank: #1436212 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-12-13
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 252 pages

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  • Binding: Paperback

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donderdag 19 september 2013

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The Five Points of Calvinism, by George Bryson

It is amazing that so many Christians call themselves Calvinists and yet so few actually understand the distinctives of Calvinist doctrine. A careful look at Calvinism in light of Scripture, before it is embraced, is the best possible way for Christians to protect themselves against this error of considerable consequence. In this book, George Bryson not only allows you to hear directly from some of the world's most famous Calvinists of the past, including John Calvin, but also from leading proponents of Calvinism today. What Calvinists admit may surprise you. Each of the much touted (but little understood) 5 points of Calvinism are carefully compared with the clear teaching of God's holy and infallible Word. The Five Points of Calvinism--Weighed and Found Wanting offers a serious scriptural challenge and correction to the extremes of Calvinism.

  • Sales Rank: #751893 in Books
  • Published on: 1996-01-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.00" h x 4.25" w x .50" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 117 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
A wonderful little book for those who are just starting to look
By dw
This is an awesome little book for those who are just starting to look into this perennial issue.
Fully persuaded calvi's will not find anything new or stimulating to sharpen their swords on here.
No letter-by-letter exegesis, no smarting accusations.
Just a very simple review of the scriptures which, on-surface, read as-is, along with the classic Caliv interpretation which reads them otherwise.
The standard replacements of "All", "World", "Men" with the word "Elect", within select verses necessary to support the theology.
And the numerous other verses which make one scratch the head looking for the possible logic, when likewise changed.

- Man is held responsible for that which he is not response-able.

- A review of the proposition that God gives commands to men which He refuses to allow them to obey, and then condemns them for their disobedience.

- A review of the proposition that God created the vast majority of human souls throughout time, for the express purpose of watching them twist in torments within an eternal lake of fire, simply for good entertainment.
(a view not adhered to by all Calvi's)

- A review of the proposition that since God finds human sufferings entertaining, such entertainment is also acceptable for His elect to impose on the non-elect today.
(a view not adhered to by all Calvi's)

- A review of the proposition that God plants the seed (of salvation) within the soil (human soul) involuntarily.....symbolic of rape.
Based upon the reasoning: If the woman (human soul) actually voluntarily gave herself to the seed planting process (salvation) this would be considered work, and therefore the seed planting process could not be considered a free gift, therefore exemplified as rape. (a view not adhered to by all Calvi's)

- A review of the proposition that God proposes marriage (evangelism of the unsaved) to those whom He has no intention of marrying.
That is to say, God offers salvation to those whom He has no intention of giving it to. Therefore His offer is made without integrity.

My own personal observations, external to the content of this book:
If one carefully and quietly examines the observable fruits before stepping into the spider-web of exegesis, it is suggested that one will recognize the following:

Observable demographics from inception to today.
- A belief system exclusively for to the white Anglo-Saxon male with a bent for intellectualism, philosophy, an over-sized ego, and a need to belong to an advanced guild.
- A body posture which predominates chest puffed out, nose up high.
- A full allowance made for all historical acts of torture, mutilation and murder on those outside the guild.
- On aggregate, a persona of grandiose self-perception. A strong manifestation of Christian narcissism.

So, if your just looking, this little book is a great read.
And while your examining the fruit, see if you don't also recognize the observables listed. I think you'll find it entertaining. :^D

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Short but good.
By Benjamin
This small book is, of course, insufficient to fully refute all of the basic arguments of the Calvinistic system. It is, nevertheless, a well-written and thought-out summary of the non-Calvinist, non-Arminian alternative. I wish Calvinists could look at a work like this and realize the problems we have with Calvinism, rather than just hate on us for not understanding Scripture the same way they do.
Contrary to the claims of the critics, Bryson does not use “the same old Arminian arguments.” He does use the same verses, but seriously, what do the Calvinists want from us? (Besides, they do the same.) But Bryson does not use those verses in the same way Arminians do at all. He uses them to treat entirely different issues within the debate.
Some of Bryson’s best points are hard to be answered. He does well knocking down Calvin’s covenant theology on page 28. On pages 33-35, he does well exposing the harder view of double-predestination, showing Calvin and other superior teachers to hold to Sproul’s definition of “hyper-Calvinism.” On pages 68-71 he does a phenomenal job showing John Calvin to be inconsistent regarding the “regeneration precedes faith” point. His response to Boettner on page 76 is priceless. Finally, I love what he wrote on page 53: “From a thoroughly Calvinistic perspective…just as no amount of preaching will help the unelect, no failure of Christians to reach out to the elect will hinder them from coming to Christ.”
On another note, that Douglas Wilson (who is a Calvinist) gave a positive review on the back cover ought to lead people to watch how they speak about this book. Let the reader understand: We have serious problems with Calvinism that Calvinists simply refuse to answer. We reject Calvinism and Arminianism alike because we see what we believe to be a thorough wresting of the Scriptures on both sides.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
This book was offered for a 1. 36. ...
By Jon Duncan
This book was offered for a 1.36. I must say this is over priced. George Bryson misrepresents Calvinism..knows what a straw man is.

save your $1.36 and purchase the potters freedom by Dr White..

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[F658.Ebook] Free PDF The Five Points of Calvinism, by George Bryson Doc

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[F658.Ebook] Free PDF The Five Points of Calvinism, by George Bryson Doc

zondag 15 september 2013

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  • Sales Rank: #2780390 in Books
  • Model: 9783832751715
  • Published on: 2015-08-01
  • Format: Poster Calendar
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x 9.00" w x .25" l,
  • Binding: Calendar

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good looking calendar
By N. Folsom
The calender is not only useful, but it's good looking: enough so that I won't mind seeing it year after year.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Dee by the sea
Beautiful illustrations in vibrant colors on quality paper ... a winning combination!

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maandag 9 september 2013

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vrijdag 6 september 2013

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Fighting Fire (Part Two): Burn, by Emily Stone

Despite Victor's meddling, Claire and Drew are determined to be together and begin to see each other in secret. Being forced to work together on a project only complicates matters but Drew conceives of a plan to prove to his father that he is prepared to fight dirty to keep Claire's love...
“He’s going to humiliate me. He wants me to appear the sad poor girl who can only ever hope to gain the scraps you throw me!” I cried tears of anger and frustration. “I won‘t go! That will send the same message and save me the public humiliation.”
“I don’t plan on leaving your side the entire night. I will arrive with Sylvia and pose for the obligatory photos, and then I will be with you until it is time to leave. She will be the one cast aside, not you.” Drew insisted and I couldn’t help but think he had something planned. Something he wasn’t telling me.
“Come on baby, we have to meet with our client. As much as I would prefer sitting at my desk all day with you in my lap, we have work to do.”
“Alright.” I sniffed, taking a moment to fix my makeup.
“I love you Claire,” he whispered, pulling me back against his chest, “but I hate what my father is doing to you.”
“We’ll deal with him eventually.” I sighed. “I understand it’s important to give him his way for now.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he said as we headed to the elevators, our hands linked together. It didn’t occur to me until we stepped onto the elevator, that we’d just walked through the office as a couple, not at colleagues.
“We are breaking the rules,” I said, gesturing at our hands.
“Who cares?” He smirked.

  • Sales Rank: #838000 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-01-17
  • Released on: 2014-01-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
great book
By Joshyangel
I really enjoyed this book :)it was a very good story plot and enjoyable characters.I would certainly recommend this book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By J. Fishlock
Good book

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